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Since 2010, I have ask God for a theme every year.



2020 was “Fear God and live.”



I also just completed reading the “Pray for America Bible” this morning.

Isn’t that amazing He had me get THIS Bible for 2020? He is so fun to follow.



He knew I needed to make sure the read the whole Bible in 2020.

He knew I would be mostly in America in 2020.

He knew I would keep His narrative in my head IF I saturated my mind with His Word.

He took me off social media so THAT would not be my narrative.


He wanted the truth in me.


I have read the Bible through maybe 15-20 times, but I will continue to read it.

It’s alive and active. 


If we are going to fear the Lord, we need to know His word.


So as I capped out my last reading for 2020 this morning, this was from today’s reading. (Yes, He woke me up at 3am.)


From Malachi…”The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming.”


“He will sit like a refiner…burning away the dross. He will purify His Levites.”


And one He has highlighted throughout the year:


Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another. The LORD paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the LORD and esteemed His name.” 


“But for you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.”


And then Proverbs….the very last section of the whole Bible reading plan for 2020:


31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last BUT A WOMAN WHO FEARS THE LORD will be greatly praised.”


The fact that THAT is how 12/31/20 Bible reading ended.




This year, I learned to fear the Lord more than any other year.


In 2002, I repented for the fear of man. This is when God filled me with the power of the Holy Spirit and gave me more boldness than I have ever had. 


Repentance + yielding to His Spirit

= boldness to share the gospel, speak publicly and worship freely.


And then 18 years later, He ups the ante.


He calls for the fear of the Lord.

Not just “no fear of man” but actually living the fear of the Lord.


He gave me very practical ways to learn this.


First, it was the message on covenant.


Secondly, it was standing against the cancer in the BODY of Christ that is Progressive Christianity.


Try to go against cultural deception and you will see real quick you don’t win any popularity contests. You don’t gain a posse. You gain Jesus. You gain His approval.


And from Malachi my encouragement is the Lord is paying attention. (3:16)

He is the only one I will stand before.

I found out what pleases the Lord. (Ephesians 5:10)


When I heard the news of Ravi Zacharias’ sexual misconduct, I was on my way to a communion service at my mom’s church on 12/23/20. It was perfect timinig to hear such discouraging news. I wasn’t shocked by the news, I was saddened.


It was LEVELING, to read that email from RZIM and then hours later, take communion. THIS is why Jesus came. This is Christmas. We are desperately in need of a Savior and have wicked hearts.

ALL of us.


As I took the body and the blood, I knew He came for Ravi, for me and for all of humanity.


The fear of the Lord rose in me.

That could be me.

I am not prideful or naive enough to think that couldn’t be me.


But I am low and trembling before the Lord like “Help me stay close to you.”


I am on fire for God, but I am no fool to think that I couldn’t walk in Ravi’s shoes.

Or Carl Lentz’s shoes with adultery.

Or Joshua Harris’ shoes with renouncing his faith.

Or Marty Sampson’s shoes with saying he is “losing his faith”.


These men don’t shock me, they just keep me on my toes.


It’s called the fear of the Lord.


We all need it.


This year, I have not been close to any of those men listed above, but I have seen things that keep me alert.


I have watched the deception of Progressive Christianity lull Christians to sleep in its bodyguard of lies.


I have watched a believer deconstruct their faith.


I have grieved over sheep being led astray.


And that keeps me low.


It keeps me thinking that could be me. I have called it “Eyes Wide open in the Garden of Gethsemane.”


More than ever, we need to be awake. Alert. Renewing our mind in His Word.


As I close out 2020, I spent days reading through my 5 journals that recorded all the amazing things God did this year.


I loved 2020.

I gained the fear of the Lord.

He wrote the best story I never knew I wanted.

He’s wise and good like that.


After i drew all of my remembrance stones in my journal from 2020, His still small voice spoke to me. “Well done, My daughter. You truly learned to fear Me and Me alone. It’s the narrow road and you must stay on it. I will be with you every step of the way. You must follow Me wherever I take you. I will keep you close. Just trust Me.”


And that’s all I could ever desire….His delight. 


Dear Jesus, keep me close.