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I think we get unity twisted and think “Oh Teresa, you are just conservative and then you have liberal Christians.”


When did did the church become a political party? Do we even hear ourselves?


And ya gurl is like SNOPE.


If you wanna call something that is not Biblical, “liberal”….be free. Define yo terms.

But I’m not drinking the Kool-Aid or picking up what you are putting down.

We don’t need both views of Biblical and non-Biblical.

Our sheep will get enough of that in the world without being fed it from the church.


That’s what I call confusion.



I have heard more times than I would like to admit recently about how we just need to hear different points of view. That it is healthy to hear something different than what you know to be true, because it causes you to think.


Sure, I get that we are vasty different in the body of Christ and we might not agree on predestination and free will, or dunk or sprinkle or pre-trib or post trib but we gotta know the difference between what is actually helpful tensions and what is harmful teachings to the sheep entrusted to our care.


Dysfunctional families accept abuse after a while and think it’s normal. I have met someone abused by her father who was brainwashed by not only her father but mother that it was normal. It’s what dad’s did.

When mom and dad say it’s okay, you start to believe it. What you started with knowing was “off” or approached with squinty eyes and questions, turns into acceptance and entering into the delusion yourself. Then fear of telling someone creates shame until you actually start to think the dysfunction is okay. Or you fear the consequences of going against the grain so you remain.


That’s what we call dysfunction in the body of Christ. As mothers and fathers in the faith, we will be held accountable for the dysfunction we have agreed to and been an accomplice in. We can’t just be like “Oh, that’s just the way dad is.”


As far as it depends on me, I won’t agree with the dysfunction and call it something else other than what it is. We can reword it, like this girl’s father did and mother did, but catch me being the voice calling out in the wilderness. 



I can’t thank Alisa Childers enough for being a voice of reason in the midst of confusion with this new/old move of Progressive Christianity.


In this video she says:

“Jesus compares false teachers with wolves.

We get emails from people saying ‘we need to build bridges’….sure in certain contexts, but you can’t build a bridge between a sheep and a wolf…

We don’t build a bridge with a wolf to come in and eat your sheep.”


When you bring your concern of Progressive Christianity and Critical Race Theory to your pastor and he responds with “We don’t want to talk about it publicly because it will divide the church.” ~Kristen Bontager



When truth is called division and lies are called unity. ~TT


“We have to come to the table with truth. That is what will unify us.”

Monique Duson