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I knew that God protected me in my accident a few days ago.


However, He allowed the metal on my front end to bend….so I would have to take the car to a body shop to get fixed.



I was fully convinced that God had someone for me to meet at Milton Martin Toyota’s body shop.




Sure enough, I drop my car off and “J”, about a 75 year old man is standing there with an ace wrap around his hand. 


He tells me of his accident, where someone intentionally hit his truck from the back. He had video cams attached so it was all recorded and he went after the guy for about 5 miles to make sure that “son-of-b*@!# didn’t get away”, even to the discouragement of the dispatcher.


J is feisty and a little rough around the edges.


I asked if he got his injury, referring to his hand, from his accident and he told me he had just had carpal tunnel surgery.


J told me how his grandma bought him a typewriter and he began practicing and how he could type something like 80-90 words a minute.


I asked if I could pray for him. He said yes. Right there in Milton Martin Toyota, I pray for healing for his hand that continues to bother him.


J came to sit down next to me. I opened up the floor to faith. He said he goes to church about once a month and was baptized. I shared some of my story with him. We talk about life after death. 


I told J that God went to great lengths for us to meet today. That He brought us together. (That coulda gotten real weird if J was closer to my age. haha!)


The receptionist was probably listening.

Maybe the woman around the corner who commented on my bell bottoms.


Then my rental car arrived and I got to talk with the sweet girl who dropped it off. I was supposed to get whatever my insurance covered which was going to be a compact car….cheapest amount.


She brought me a black Jeep. I was so excited and told her how I always wanted a Jeep and that I was a Christian and was looking for all the blessings in this car wreck. I am sure my excitement and joy for a rental car blessed her.


And that was just dropping off my broken car.


If we choose to find beauty in brokenness….we can make it through suffering.


Our collisions might have connections…if we are looking for it.