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What a Gentleman Jesus is. 


He opens every door and closes every door.

I trust the opening and the closing.

I don’t wanna go where He’s not going.

If He’s not in it, I don’t want it.


Bear with me in a parable.


Sometimes He has me work with newborns.

Sometimes in a hospital.

And sometimes He calls me to work with Hospice, with something that is dying.


I like to believe that God doesn’t call me to dead end things, so I always hope for resurrection. If my hope was in everything dead resurrecting, I would be hope-LESS. So would Jeremiah. But my hope’s in a Lamb.


A maternity nurse knows when she is delivering babies…much like my evangelist side. I know when there are signs of life, when a baby is born. I also know when people are calling a plastic doll a child. I’m trying to cut back on plastic fruit. 

In a hospital on the ward, it’s more with adults who are sick and in need of help, much like it is with discipleship. We help them recover and walk in health. Sometimes they get better and sometimes they ignore your instruction and don’t change their lifestyle thus exacerbating their disease.

And in hospice, we help people die well, much like it is when you know God is closing a door on something. You help it die. We don’t wanna perform CPR on something that has a DNR (Do not resuscitate.) 



I am okay with ushering in life with Jesus and ushering out.



We gotta know what the Master Doctor is telling us to do. A nurse doesn’t do whatever she thinks sounds good….she’s not trained for that. She is trained to submit to the doctor’s orders. We can’t decide He always resurrects or always heals. He doesn’t. We have a 99.9% death rate for humanity. (Except Enoch and Elijah)


Even Lazarus died. Once, the door opened for resurrection to his dead-dead body and another time Lazarus faced a physical death.


We just gotta trust He’s a gentleman. 


If He opens something in one season and closes it an another, it’s because He knows where He is going. He’s the way. All I desire is that narrow path where my Lamb is.


The Kingdom is where the King is and catch me baaaaaaaa’n close behind Him.