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We are at final debrief with WR America’s B, C and F squads in Panama City Florida.


Yesterday, we went out and were sitting at some tables. Mark asked Andrew a question about “What was your favorite moment….”


“A” sitting across from us told us later he heard that question and tried to answer it for himself as he sat and ate his lunch by himself.


“A” eventually started the conversation and asked us “Where are you from?”



We talked to him for a while and find out he is a believer. We talk about all kinds of things from politics, to forgiving fathers and the gospel.


As we concluded our time with him “A” thanked us and said “I feel better.”


I think he just wanted some fellowship and I was thankful we could be that for him today.


I take an Uber home later and “W” is my 30ish year old female Uber driver.


I see a Karaoke microphone in between her 2 front seats. I ask what it is and she said she lets her passengers pick a song to sing. 


She asked me what song I wanted to sing (assuming I was game) and I told her “The Creed” or (as I grabbed my phone to google the title…) “This I Believe.” She looked it up and said “Hillsong?” 


TT: Yup.


And in her Uber I held the microphone to my mouth…which actually worked as a microphone in her little car.

And before you know it I am singing:


I believe in God our Father.

I believe in Christ the Son.

I believe in the Holy Spirit…our God is three in one.

I believe in the Resurrection.


And I completed the song wearing a mask that said “We cannot stay silent about things that actually matter.”


TT: So you said you heard that song at church?


W: Yeah, I just went to church for the first time in 26 years.


And her story rolled out, I knew the timing of Jesus and we capped our Uber drive in prayer.


People are listening and just waiting to spend time with us in fellowship if we will make the most of every opportunity!