
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I sensed God leading me to make videos featuring couples talking about their marriage. Here is the first of many. 



Doug and Cathy Tilley are my friend, Sarah’s parents. Sarah is someone who has served with me oversees in missions in Guatemala and in Israel. She is a dear friend and sister in Christ. 

Sarah’s parents have been married 45 years. Her dad, Doug, was diagnosed with ALS in 2010. He had been serving as a pastor and medically retired in 2011. Cathy, his wife, takes care of him in their home in Asheville, North Carolina.




You are about to hear a couple talk about what it means to give your spouse 100% and expect nothing in return, in the commitment of covenant marriage.



“We had no idea what the words “in sickness” would bring to us…” ~Doug 


“Love is a commitment and that is the bottom line.” ~Cathy