Oh, Teresa, that is “irresponsible” to run in a half when we are supposed to be social distancing.
Not to worry….it was on my treadmill while on house arrest. (that I’m not wasting btw)
Last week, in my small group….virtually….Ashley Francis arrived to the video with a flushed face saying she had just done a work out that kicked her butt.
I looked at her face. Influence is powerful.
I thought to myself “When was the last time I ‘kicked’ my butt in working out?” I work out 6 times a week, but normally 30 minutes a day. You know, what’s required. The basic.
The NEXT day, after that encouragement, I ran 6 miles. And the day after that too.
I run with Joshua sometimes and he told me a race he had signed up for was going to be done virtually.
My wheels started turning. I thought….we could make up races as an organization!
I thought, “Why not train for a marathon?” I have run one full marathon before. So I found a schedule on line and printed it off. The first day called for 5 miles.
I decided I wanted to run a half.
So, on my treadmill this morning, I ran 13.1 in my best personal time of 1:54….that is IF my treadmill records right. I have done many half marathons but never on a treadmill.
Yesterday, I printed off that marathon training schedule BEFORE Trump announced we would be practicing social distancing for another month.
And I love how the physical represents the spiritual.
What impact will I make on the Corona Virus? I asked the Lord.
“Discipling the weak ones to stand firm. Strengthen what remains.”
Maybe a month ago, I was running on the treadmill and I heard the Lord say “You are a plumb-line.” I have a fierce resolve to encourage the church to seek His face. Believe His word. And not get lopsided. To be built on a firm foundation.
This marathon training in the physical is what is needed from the church in this hour spiritually. A symbol of the endurance we will need. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
In my quiet time this morning, He told me “When you run (this half marathon on the treadmill) pray this will be America in the end times. Pray she will stand firm. Pray she will run her race with endurance. Now is the time to run. And when you run, you will feel My pleasure.”
So I prayed for America as I ran.
Any disciples God has given me, I want to strengthen.
As we all sit on house arrest, like my earlier blog…catch me not wasting it.
I will continue to share the gospel and disciple. I will strengthen myself in the Lord and the church entrusted to my care. I will mentor B and F squads. He led us in a vision of “We feed the Hungry.” That vision remains.
As we evaluate our false idols and turn to the true God as a nation…I pray we will run our personal best time ever. I heard that social media usage is up 50% in these times. I pray we aren’t numbing when we can be encountering.
I don’t want us to miss this season.
Though I care about physical health, my end goal, which funnels all my decisions is not to stay alive but to stay in love….with Him.
God told me to “let the land lie fallow” in my social media fast that started March 1, 2020. It’s a sabbath rest for a year. That also was a physical action matching the times of America’s forced sabbath rest. If we can trust God in this season, we will see the harvest later.
Just keep running. Keep pushing yourself. Press into the Lord.
Thank you Ashley for pushing me.
Saints, don’t neglect meeting together, even if virtually.
We may never know our influence in this current hour.