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Yesterday, Ravi Zacharias, a C.S. Lewis of our day, met Jesus face to face.


My heart pre-grieved his passing once I heard his cancer was terminal. To lose such a strong man of God that not only was SURE of what he believed, but could unashamedly defend his faith was so hard.


I remember when God told me to study apologetics and I didn’t know where to start. I was listening to Ravi on You Tube talk about the Ravi Zacharias Institute in Alpharetta, Georgia and realized it was so close to me here in Gainesville!


From there, I went to to three training sessions at RZIM including the Emerging Apologist Program.




Their motto is “Helping the thinker believe Helping the believer think.”


There are modern day pillars of the faith. Billy Graham was one of them. Nabeel Qureshi. And now Ravi. It grieves me to see such bold witnesses pass.


With Ravi, it grieves me because there was no one like him that could defend the faith the way Ravi did. He was unique. I would be mesmerized with how he could memorize poetry. I usually would have to google definitions in trying to understand what he was saying with how intelligently he could defend our faith.


With Ravi’s passing, I know one thing that brings me joy. Though he was so unique, he didn’t keep his gift to himself. He multiplied it out through his preaching, his writings and his institute. He multiplied himself over and over and over again.


Ravi Zacharias’ obituary said “However, where once there was a single speaker, now there are nearly 100 gifted speakers who on any given night can be found sharing the gospel at events across the globe; where once it was run from Zacharias’s home, now the ministry has a presence in 17 countries on five continents.” 


I am sure Ravi is hearing “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” 



This was Ravi this year at the Passion Conference.


“How do we know what is ultimately true? Winston Churchill said ‘Truth is so valuable that often times it is covered by a bodyguard of lies.’ We protect the truth so much because where it takes us we don’t really like where it leads.” 



Thank you Ravi for not covering the truth in a bodyguard of lies,

but instead boldly proclaiming the Truth all over the world.

You like where truth led and now you are with Truth for eternity.