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The title suggests there is more than one blog on this topic. I plan to build my apologetic defense for marriage covenant throughout the year in 2020. 


I spoke at Project Search Light (PSL) on “Covenant” on January 7th, 2020.


This was the first time I have ever spoken publicly about Covenant, a topic that has burned in my heart since I was a little girl. 



At 14, (not even saved yet) I sat my parents down and asked them to promise me they will never get divorced. My dad promised. 2 months later, they were separated.

The effects that divorce has on a child, a family and ultimately a nation are numerous and unfortunately don’t just last the year of divorce, but last a lifetime.



I didn’t accept Christ until I was 22, but God created me with a passion for marriage and family before I could articulate why I was created the way I was.


I have always loved unity. That’s the heart of an evangelist. First, it showed up in family. Then I got saved and cared about the lost. The heart of an evangelist wants everyone to be reconciled with each other and to God.



It’s amazing that I have such a passion for it and have never been married. 

Do I have the authority to speak about something I have yet to enter?

Paul and Jesus seemed to think so.

And nan one of dem was married.


Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. ~Jesus in Luke 16:18


A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord. ~Paul in 1 Cor 7:39


To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. ~Paul 1 Cor 7:10-11


I have been married to Jesus for 19 years….so that counts for understanding covenant:)

We are the Bride. So I understand the call to a commitment to One God for the rest of my life. 



I get my passion for covenant based on the word of God.

We have 2 covenants we can enter in life. One with God and one with our spouse. Both are sacred. 

The one with the spouse is until death do you part.

The one with Jesus is forever.


This is not a subject that is preached on.


I have hesitated to talk about it publicly, but starting in 2020, I will speak on it. 


I have only found 3 people

who agree with me on this topic.


Jesus, Paul and John Piper.


Yes, I have talked about it one on one many times, as I know this is a sensitive subject and can offend many people, including many that I love dearly.


Why? Because the divorce rate is 50%.


So I am speaking to 1 in 2 people affected when I talk on this subject.

Plus, I hold the Biblical view on remarriage after divorce.

Also, highly unpopular in the church. Not only do we not address this in the church, we celebrate the opposite.




Again, TT has only heard Jesus, Paul and Piper speak the same language on this topic.



You can take a listen here to hear John’s heart on it.



There will be more to come. 2020, I plan to speak/write on this a lot. We need a Josiah reform in this area in our nation. I’m pulling out the Book and reading it to all the people.